Vishalsai Daswani


The Ideal Co-working Space for Startups

In the last few years, there has been a lot of talk on smart homes and smart offices. We’ve seen homeowners install smart appliances and co-working spaces have renovated office buildings to utilize technology. However, none of them have ever able to construct buildings from the ground up. They’ve all been limited by the original building infrastructure.


What I find unique about The Cloud is that they have a technology-first approach. They are designing a truly SMART building from the ground up and setting an example for how buildings should be developed in the future. This infrastructure will benefit all technology adopters and promote innovation in our community. I haven’t seen a building like this before here. The Cloud is truly a building of the next generation.

The Cloud的獨特之處,就是它的設計是以科技為先,是真正的智能化建築,是未來建築設計的標竿。它的結構設計可令所有科技應用者受惠 同時促進社會的科技創新,我從未見過如此的建築。The Cloud完全是新世代的建築典範。

The Cloud is definitely embracing the Tech world we’re living in now, really considering the requirements of technology companies right from the beginning of development of the building. The whole building has fibre optics connectivity both vertically and horizontally allowing up to 10Gbps of broadband speed. It also has preinstalled the necessary 5G equipment that will enable the full use of 5G mobile technology. Whether you’re a tech start up like me, a gaming developer, a bitcoin researcher or anyone else in tech innovation. I’m sure you’ll find The Cloud to be an ideal place for you.

The Cloud蘊含我們現代科技世界所需的一切,是真正由最初構建設計時已考慮到要加入所有的科技元素。整座大廈的上下四周已舖設好10Gbps光纖寬頻連結,亦預先設置了5G設備,令用戶未來可全面應用5G技術 無論你是一個初創者,如我,一個遊戲開發者,一個比特幣貨幣理論研究者,抑或任何一個科創人,我深信The Cloud都能完全滿足你的需要。

共享辦公室           共用工作空間           共享工作空間