
A Meticulously Designed Working Space

I think The Cloud is a serious project.

我覺得The Cloud 這項目給我的感覺是很認真。

I have read the floor plan of The Cloud. They take it seriously and they pay attention to details. The whole tower is snow white. It stands out. It’s bravo!

我看了The Cloud 的平面圖後,我覺得它是很認真和細心的一個作品。 整座建築白皚皚的,很有自己的特色,很漂亮。

It has a lot of French windows. You feel spacious and comfortable working there.


The Cloud has a sky garden and it’s perfect. You feel delighted walking around the sky garden after finishing your work. Like hanging out with your friends in the sky garden would be amazing.

我見到它有空中花園,如果平時完成工作後,去空中花園走走會很開心。 例如有些朋友來空中花園相聚,感覺會更開心。

I am expecting this project, The Cloud, very much!

所以我非常期待,The Cloud 雲之端這個項目。

工作室           設計工作室           小型工作室